
Various Quotes from Various Sources

Quotes that may majorly spoil a piece of media will be encoded via ROT13.

Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.

- Abraham Lincoln

(cergraq guvf vf nyy gur svany obff qvnybthr)


[Vg'f ab qvssrerag sebz bgure erperngvbany, tnzr-glcr fbsgjner gurl znl unir vafgnyyrq ba gurve pbzchgre.]

- Cebgbglcr (OneShot)

It should be antidepression
As a friend of mine suggested
Because it's not the sadness that hurts you
It's the brain's reaction against it

- Will Toledo (Beach Life-in-Death)

There's no devil on one shoulder and angel on the other
They're just two normal people

- Will Toledo (Bodys)

I fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death

- Will Toledo (Famous Prophets (Minds))

Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.

- George Orwell (1984)

For some reason, human failings are very endearing in an animal.

- Jim Davis (supposedly, i can't seem to find the quote source but it's in lasagnacat)

Made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give!

- Bubble (The Amazing Digital Circus)

Used to talk to myself, I told him “Shut the fuck up”

- MF DOOM (The Finest)

I believe myself to be always acting within reasonal boundaries of sanity.

- Itsuki Koizumi (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

Love you bastards! Motherfu-!

- Kikuri Hiroi (Bocchi the Rock!)

You are not in combat with the people in front of you. Don’t get it twisted who your enemies are.

- Kikuri Hiroi (Bocchi the Rock!)

Abandoning your uniqueness is equivalent to dying. So don’t write generic lyrics based on other concerns.

- Ryo Yamada (Bocchi the Rock!)

It might not connect with too many people, but those it does, it'll hit deeply.

- Ryo Yamada (Bocchi the Rock!)

Rock resonates as the music of the perpetual underdog. Is it really rock if it’s sung by life’s winners?

- Ryo Yamada (Bocchi the Rock!)

I can do no wrong, for I don’t know what it is.

- Satan (The Mysterious Stranger)

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.

- Dr. Seuss


- Kalemandu (Crimson Needle 2.5)

If something seems unreasonable, it is because you are doing it wrong! Always assume the maker is competent and has good intentions

- Kalemandu (Crimson Needle 2.5)

Zber. Zber zber zber. Zber ybir, zber cenvfr, zber crbcyr gryyvat zr gung V'z tbbq, nyjnlf zber zber zber... Vg'f yvxr n qvfrnfr.

- Qnirl Jerqra (The Beginner's Guide)

Lbh pna'g gnyx lbhefrys bhg bs ybaryvarff, vg qbrfa'g jbex gung jnl. Lbh pna'g or gur bar jevgvat obgu gur dhrfgvbaf naq gur nafjref, gura gurer'f ab zbirzrag! Gura gurer'f ab pvephyngvba!

- Qnirl Jerqra (The Beginner's Guide)

Jvafgba, fvggvat va n oyvffshy qernz, cnvq ab nggragvba nf uvf tynff jnf svyyrq hc. Ur jnf abg ehaavat be purrevat nal ybatre. Ur jnf onpx va gur Zvavfgel bs Ybir, jvgu rirelguvat sbetvira, uvf fbhy juvgr nf fabj. Ur jnf va gur choyvp qbpx, pbasrffvat rirelguvat, vzcyvpngvat rirelobql. Ur jnf jnyxvat qbja gur juvgr-gvyrq pbeevqbe, jvgu gur srryvat bs jnyxvat va fhayvtug, naq na nezrq thneq ng uvf onpx. Gur ybat-ubcrq-sbe ohyyrg jnf ragrevat uvf oenva.

- George Orwell (1984)

Life dropped an epic husband, the rarest of its loot table, and I was lucky enough to win the need roll.

- Ctrl+alt+del

If being cool means to feign disinterest over the simple things, there's an alternate term for that, and it's called being miserable.

- Noyno (RIBBIT)

Art is the emanation of Man, Man the Emanation of Nature, God the Grandfather of Art.

- SCP-2614


- (Shimeji Simulation)

Who what am I? My answer: I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have been seen done, of everything done-to-me.

- Salman Rushdie (Midnight's Children (thanks marc))

(placeholder for the inevitable needy streamer overload quote)

- Ame (Needy Streamer Overload)

(placeholder for the inevitable madoka quote)

- ? (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

(placeholder for the inevitable hidamari sketch-related quote)

- ? (?)
