
Selected Fangame Works

For convenience, all links in headers lead to download pages.

All visual assets are plundered, at least in part.

Delicious Fruit pages for all of these games can be found here.

My stage in I Wanna Go Back To Basics

My first released IWBTG fangame related work, like, ever.

Made in Jtool.

Has the same self imposed design restrictions as below (32px grid, having spikes "naturally" attached to blocks) but without any gimmicks whatsoever so its kinda just nothingburger

My stage in Not Another Needle Contest 2

My first time using Gamemaker!

Pretty much every sprite in this stage is taken from LSD: Dream Emulator, and that's like the main schtick with the stage. Some sprites made me think of gimmicks when I saw them, so the stage is pretty much structured as an introduction to several different gimmicks, and then some screens with all the different gimmicks combined. All of the combination gimmick screens did not make it into the main part of the stage in NANC2, however. There was also an emphasis on pathing through the screen, which interested me heavily at the time this was made.

This stage also has a mini gimmick where all the warps correspond with the position of the player start on the screen after, which I don't think the NANC2 staff noticed when editing this stage to fit better in the game. Other self imposed limitations included having every object on the 32px grid and only having spikes "naturally" attached to blocks.

There's quite a bit of backtracking in this stage, especially in some of the cut screens accessable after completing the secret (image 5), which does make some of the screens in this stage somewhat annoying and some of the saves obnoxiously long. The screen in image 6 comes to mind.

Past me also decided it would be a fun gimmick if most of the last jumps of each screen were the same fulljump 4 block high thing but thnkfully I gave that up rather quick and it's only present on like, three screens (four, counting the unnerfed pushblock screen)

Fun Fact: Originally the stage was gonna be called "I wanna Emulate my Dreams" or something like that but I decided that was cringe so "very cool stage" it was

I'm not very proud of it, honestly, but for a first try it wasn't bad. (although it did end up in the bottom floor as one of the lowest rated stages out of all the submissions)

3 screens of gimmick needle

My first released solo game.

Not a very serious game, as evidenced by the song (Annoying Orange - Don't Be an Apple), and also I didn't label Any of the triggers on what they'd do so it's basically just trial and error

Also I didn't really know code all that well so some of these gimmicks may be jankly coded

A nice artifact of my earlier needle style, though

My stages in I Wanna Be The GBC

Collab hosted by aNobodi in the FCS.

Tied for making the second most amount of stages in GBC with Cthaere, which I'm rather proud of (we both made 8 stages)

There are a wide variety of things that I made for this game, from the meme-y to the actually good, and (almost) all of them I'm proud of in some way.

Personal favorites include:

temmie avoidance

Made for Uber Bob for Secret Santa 2021 (the very first one!)

My first and only avoidance game as of now.

A valuable learning lesson honestly, but quite bad luck for me for my first Secret Santa, having to learn avoidance making right then and there

There's quite a few screw ups I made in this game, the spinning thing is supposed to spawn on a random point on the screen, there's one attack that due to not having an indicator can instagib the player, among probably various other things (not to mention I released the game with godmode on)

Despite that, I'm relatively proud of what I made.

If only I didn't decide to throw away the GMX because I thought I would never need it again... I would probably be making more avoidances...

Johnathan Game

Submitted to the first I Wanna Game Jam mostly as a joke. Heck, its only connection to the Game Jam's theme (magic/fantasy) is a sign at the beginning of the game, alongside a choice of background.

This game is how I learned some gimmicks you just shouldn't try to make needle with, as the second save of this game feels far too hard for its own good to me

You learn through failure yknow

My stage in Jtool Jamplex

Jtool collab hosted by Shign.

I'm definitely prouder of this than my stage in Back To Basics.

This stage comprises of 5 screens of needle (and the intro bit), each with a different screen structure, song, and visual set. I'm rather proud of how distinct each screen manages to be, as well the platforming in this stage, although there are some decisions I made then that I probably would not have made now.

Still, though, it's a nice thing to look back onto, and there are some decisions I made here that I'm jealous of my past self for coming up with

the 1jump collab

Collective project by the FCS, started by phgQED and compiled by Yours Truly.

The jump I made is the second one, with solid red blocks and a light red background.

I think I should've applied an executive veto and made grav's part trivial but I like really didn't give a shit

There's not much I'm proud of here besides maybe the collage of visuals and title screen which i made in Kid Pix 4 but yet again you can only learn through failure

The Delfruit/I Wanna Wiki download link is a discord file which no longer works, btw, but I have put it on dropbox for archival's sake

its too bad nothing rhymes with gum

Game made for the second I Wanna Game Jam. (The theme was time travel)

A short lil journey through a land of various clocks and digits.

Fleki (also known as KG) coded the gimmick, huge shoutouts to him

I admittedly could have made it more clear what you're supposed to do, and also encouraged alternative routes by letting the player save the time, or made the platforming generally easier, but I didn't know how to do any of those honestly

If there's any particular things I'm proud of here it's being able to figure out how the Chill Needle visuals work, and also how unique the file select screen is, and also my usage of stretched spikes (they're fun)

happy holidays bulb bowling

Made for Bulb Bowling for Secret Santa 2022

Possibly my best released needle project, which says quite a bit about my lack of games

Comprises of 1 save of cycle needle and 2 saves of gimmick needle.

Soon after releasing this game I released "happy holidays directors cut", which is basically just the bait and switch sudoku part at the very start of the game extended to 4 screens in length. I'm not proud of it in the slightest, though thankfully no one really cared about it. Then again, that's also true for this game...

I wanna VeryVeryVery

Inspired by Reimu2020's I wanna Kami2Kami2Kami2.

A project I was working on before I realized that medley making Sucks Ass and quit (not to mention the gmx got corrupted partway through, and the gmx fixer made everything not be in folders which made working on this a lot more annoying), releasing the completed screens out into the world for other people who weren't me to enjoy

Fun Fact: The first time I released the game it was Straight Up Impossible due to an oversight on the final screen so I had to update it via decompiler because I had deleted the GMX in a fit of rage

People liked it for the most part, though, but I never saved those twitch vods of people playing it so fuck me

Also the titlecard sound Sucks Ass if you don't like it you have my full permission to remove it via Undertalemodtool

It has some good ideas, though

Johnathan Game 2

Made for Secret Santa 2023 for Gaborro

One of my (vaguely) prouder releases, despite not gaining really any traction, possibly because of how Johnathan Game was a commercial failure

I may have made some bits too hard for someone unfamiliar with Johnathan mechanics, which is probably another reason for the lack of reviews

Gaborro liked it though iirc, it was modeled after a game that he was the only big fan of (that I happened to make) after all

My stages in Blueberry Juice Compilation

Made before Johnathan Game 2 (like 4 months prior), and probably one of the closest things out there to my modern needle style, alongside "happy holidays bulb bowling". (and also my I Wanna Maker levels, but that's a story for another day)

Working in Verve GM8.2 engine was a tad frustrating, as despite Gamemaker Studio 1.49999's Myriad Flaws I was overall used to it compared to Gamemaker 8.2. One particular gripe I had was not being able to have anything else opened while the room editor was operational, or while the game was open during a test run, as I'm very used to being able to do those things in studio.

Also the room creation code code editor being notepad is kinda whack but eh I suppose it works??? I mean there's probably not much other option

And also some code behaviors not behaving the same as they do in studio, for instance the % symbol doesn't act as the mod function

Huge shoutouts to the Gamemaker 8.2 team (Renex and Floogle) for the room editor in that, though, wish gamemaker studio could have something like that but ycan't have everything yknow

In terms of the stages themselves, I would not call them my proudest work, they were more things I just made on whims with silly ideas I happened to have in my head. Honestly, I think I just wanted to make something more quirky in a collab I felt would probably compose of basic-leaning needle.

They do feel relatively basic in the grand scheme of fangames, though, but that's not all bad.

Adventure with bosses spamton and pig

Made for biznespig for Secret Santa 2024

As a result of circumstances, I ended up making this game in 4 days. However, I had far more fun making this than the game I made over the rest of the month. The new prompt helped a lot, being given a somewhat esoteric theme that I could excersise a good deal of creative freedom over really helped me, not to mention a neat little gimmick I managed to come up with soon after seeing it.

For the most part, I'm proud of the platforming I designed with this gimmick, as well as the visuals, probably the best visuals I've made in a good while. Mostly a proof of concept though, and I didn't explore this gimmick to its fullest extent. I would like to encourage other people to steal this gimmick for their own platforming.

Fun Development Facts:

I wanna thnak you., MaxDesignPro

Short-medium length 70-ish diff exploration of various platforming concepts themed around that one Funny Singing Nugget

Made in approximately 4.5 months

Something compelled me to make the game over for this game, and later the kid skin, and later the save, and it all went downhill from there.

Started developing this because I had a lot of random ideas that I really wanted to do things with, yet felt wouldn't really fit into BEGIN. Also, I really wanted to show things off that I had made without the added baggage of being from that.

Another reason for making this game was so that I could force people to listen to the YAYAYI 666% mixtape (minus the last 30 mins, clashes tonally a bit too hard for me to include it)


Coming out someday if God wills it
